ParkStash: A Solution for Parking That New Car


As a car shopping company, Cartrast knows that the purchase of a new vehicle is just the beginning of an exciting journey. Driving to new places, taking turns at high speeds, and exploring the world is all part of the fun. One not-so-fun part of the journey is parking your new wheels. Unfortunately, parking can be a real pain sometimes, and new vehicle owners can be particularly concerned about whether they’re parking in a safe place where their car won’t get damaged. That’s where ParkStash can come in.

Developed by an alumnus of San Jose State, Sameer Saran, ParkStash helps solve the problem of finding parking in crowded areas. While a student, Sameer found that parking in campus lots was expensive and limited, particularly when major exams were taking place. However, within the campus borders there was a plethora of driveway space that was going unused, and Sameer wanted to find a way to utilize all the unused parking.

Acting on this knowledge, Sameer created the ParkStash app alongside co-founder Hooman Bolandi, a veteran of Silicon Valley. ParkStash provides a platform for landowners, churches, restaurants, hotels, homeowners to monetize their parking spots when they’re not in use. Drivers can book 100 percent guaranteed parking spaces on hourly, daily, weekly or monthly basis and save a significant amount of time, fuel and money. Landowners can start making steady passive income right away by renting their unused parking spots without expending additional funds. The concept is mutually beneficial for all parties and has been called the Airbnb of parking.


In addition to saving drivers’ time, the ParkStash solution benefits the community and environment. By helping drivers park faster, there are less carbon emissions being emitted due to the reduction of idling and circling vehicles. The ParkStash service is currently available at San Jose State University and in parts of the San Francisco Bay Area, with expansion plans outside of California coming to fruition in the near future.

ParkStash is working with Cartrast to help provide parking services to new car buyers in the SF Bay Area. Both companies hope to provide a better purchasing, parking, and passive income experience for both local residents and new vehicle owners. Both Cartrast and ParkStash are dedicated to helping preserve the environment, through increasing sales of electric vehicles and reducing the chances of idling vehicles.

Cartrast is a new car shopping service that allows consumers to try out vehicles without visiting multiple dealers. Cartrast will be hosting an event on December 7th where test drives of electric vehicles will be available for the public. Sign up here to reserve your spot:

To learn more about ParkStash, visit them at: or find their app on the Apple App Store or Google Play Store

Satish Kondapavulur